Fishwife Recipes — yellowtail recipes
Spicy Pickled Fish using Yellowtail | Fish Recipes | Fishwife
fish recipes fishwife fresh fish yellowtail yellowtail recipes
Ryan Nienaber

With Easter only a few days away, don’t get the lockdown blues. You can still create your family feast with this traditional Pickled Fish recipe! Aromatic and spicy, it’s exactly what we all need right now. Spicy Pickled Fish A spicy recipe, bursting with flavour! Prep Time 30 min Cook Time 1 hr Total Time 1 hr 30 min Ingredients 2 Yellowtail Fillets (approx 1kg each) 4 onions (sliced into rings) 500ml brown vinegar 500ml white vinegar 170ml water 30g sugar 50ml curry powder (masala) 15ml turmeric 1 tsp cayenne pepper 8 lime leaves (or lemon leaves) 2ml black pepper...
Smoky Yellowtail Braai | Fish Recipes | Fishwife
fish recipes fishwife fresh fish yellowtail yellowtail recipes
Ryan Nienaber

If you scroll through some of our recipes you will see that this is in fact our second braaied yellowtail recipe. What is the difference you may ask? In our first recipe we gave you details on cooking a delicious yellowtail fillet covered in red onion, garlic, lemon and coriander. We used the braai more as an oven, with the fish being wrapped in tinfoil, but still giving you the option of the “gees” that an open fire gives us South Africans. This recipe is quite different in that the fish is placed directly on the grid and absorbs all those fabulous...
Yellowtail on the Braai | Fish Recipes | Fishwife
fish recipes fishwife fresh fish yellowtail yellowtail recipes
Ryan Nienaber

With the weather warming up for summer, braai season is in the air! And what better way to celebrate a perfect summer evening than a lekker fish braai. This recipe is seriously simple and quick to put together. Make sure to read our simple method to removing Yellowtail pin bones before you attempt this recipe. Yellowtail on the Braai Cook Time 20 min Ingredients 1 pack of Greenfish Yellowtail Fillets 2 tsp of Crushed Garlic 2 Red Onions 1 Lemon A few knobs of Butter Coriander Salt & Pepper Instructions Place your pin boned fillet of fish on a...
How to Pin Bone a Yellowtail Fillet | Fish Preparation Guides | Fishwife
fish preparation fish recipes fishwife fresh fish yellowtail yellowtail recipes
Ryan Nienaber

You may often find when you come home with a fillet of fish that the pin bones are still present. This is due to the fact that leaving them in keeps the meat intact and effectively “undamaged” which preserves the shelf life. Luckily for you, you have me, the trusted Fish Wife to guide you through this simple process of removing them. STEP 1: Buy yourself a good pair of pin boning tweezers or borrow a pair of hubby’s long nose pliers that you can throw in the dishwasher. STEP 2: Run the blade of a knife over...