Greenfish Blog — low impact fishing
Hook to Plate
behind the scenes fishing stories low impact fishing our passion western cape
Ryan Nienaber

Green fish with a story  It’s 11pm and I’m climbing into bed after doing the tackle prep, readying the lines and lures and ensuring the boat is ready. I set my alarm for 2am for the days fishing. I’ve done this a thousand times yet I cannot fall asleep as the excitement of the day ahead mounts in my head - the endless possibilities of tomorrow and the hope of a great catch.  A fisherman is the ultimate optimist; tomorrow will always be a better day with a bigger catch, so we keep pushing day after day, chasing that feeling...
Not in my back yard
behind the scenes fishing stories low impact fishing
Ryan Nienaber

This past Sunday I went to sea off Hout bay in search of tuna, the weather in the morning was incredibly unpleasant, cold and bumpy. I had a videographer on board to capture some of our day so we can share and show our story to our customers, how we fish and the impacts we have with our style of harvest so that the consumers are best informed to make their choices.  Tuna are amazing predators, perfectly designed to cut through the water at high speeds, with big eyes to visually hunt down prey such as sardine, garfish, squids and...
Greenfish Eco Rating Scoring System
behind the scenes low impact fishing our passion
Ryan Nienaber

In a time where the word sustainable is been used in so many contexts by so many people and large corporations it gets difficult to separate what is truly low impact vs destructive to our planet and oceans. Transparency and the sharing of information to consumers is a way in which one can make a decision based on facts. Â We have come up with a Greenfish Eco Rating system that will share some information on your products so you can be empowered to make a choice that suits your beliefs. Every item on our website receives a Greenfish Eco Rating...
behind the scenes fishing stories low impact fishing
Ryan Nienaber

In a world where information, true and false, is at our fingertips, and where we make decisions based on the information plated in front of us, it’s very easy to get caught up in a moment and be lead down an emotional rollercoaster that the producer of a film is laying in front of you. The latest Netflix documentary Seaspiracy regarding the ocean that is getting lots of media attention, although being heavily one sided, does a great job of creating awareness that we do need to do something towards our ocean’s health for it to be able to sustain itself...
Where possible, we catch ourselves. This fresh fish is the foundation of our business.
behind the scenes low impact fishing our passion western cape
Ryan Nienaber

In all other instances we choose our partners and suppliers with exceptional care. Above all our commitment is to quality, traceability and transparency.The oceans are our livelihood and passion. Greenfish is invested in continually reducing impact, educating consumers and protecting this natural abundance. All of the suppliers we work with share this ethic. When we buy, we buy directly from the producer or harvester. All Greenfish products are traceable directly to their origin.None of our products are subject to harmful CO2 or chemical treatments.These strong, direct connections and our continued, hands-on harvesting practice differentiates Greenfish from our competitors. Where possible...