The weather has finally allowed us to get some inshore fishing in. The cold waters have produced on cue, and good catches of fresh cold water handline silvers are been caught as well as some red fish off the reefs.
Silver fish is the “snapper” of the Western Cape waters. They are caught in Gaansbaai, Struisbaai and Arniston in the winter months by community-based handline fisherman. Silvers are specifically targeted by these fishermen when they school up in good numbers in the shallows.
Silver fish, also called carpenter, is a great table fish. Its white firm flesh of mild flavour can be done as a crispy skin pan fried fillet, under the grill, or on the braai as a whole fish off the bone.
The population status and style of fishing makes this one of our "Eco Heroes", and scores 5/5 on the Greenfish Eco Rating system.
Your truly,