Ocean nomads of Cape Town - Life of a hand line fisherman

Ryan Nienaber

Ocean nomads of Cape Town.

It's a Friday afternoon I'm chasing home after a day at the factory to throw a few clothes in a bag and chase off to Struisbaai to take advantage of the four good weather days coming up to get in on the fishing action. 

A quick kiss goodbye to my daughter and my wife chirps as I walk out the door “are you off to see your Struisbaai family again” 

The life of a hand line fisherman in Cape Town makes one feel like a Nomad, seasonal cycles sends us up the West Coast for the snoek run, to Cape Point For the Yellowtail and Tuna, and Struisbaai for the summer months for silvers and yellowtail.  Spells of 2-3 months in an area and living out a backpack are the norm, and boats and crew migrate with the seasons and fish that are in abundance at that time.

Its great to see so much of our beautiful coastline and spend time in fishing towns that rely on the runs of fish that visit their shores.  It means time away from ones family and long hard days at sea, but that’s what it takes if you want to deliver the freshest fish in cape town daily.

It is wonderful to have full control of our catch as our trucks are running up and down the coast daily to bring this fresh catch back to our factory where we prep and deliver to you.


  1. The Essence of an Ocean Nomad:

 Imagine a group of dedicated individuals who have mastered the art of living in harmony with the ocean—the Greenfish fishermen of Cape Town epitomise this concept. These skilled seafarers possess an unparalleled connection to the maritime world, where they seek out the bounty of the sea to fulfil our cravings for fresh, sustainable fish.

  1. Ethical Fishing: A Commitment to Sustainability and having a low impact on the environment:

 Greenfish take great pride in our ethical fishing practices, which prioritise the long-term health of our marine ecosystems. These dedicated fishermen work diligently to preserve fish stocks, minimise bycatch, and protect vulnerable species. By employing sustainable fishing techniques such as handline fishing, using responsibly sourced bait, and adhering to local fishing regulations, they ensure that the delicate balance of the ocean is maintained.

  1. The Art of the Journey:

 Every voyage undertaken by Greenfish fishermen is a testament to our adventurous spirit. They embark on our trusty boats, equipped with generations of wisdom and modern technology, and sail along the Cape Town coastline, exploring the abundant fishing grounds. Our travels are not solely driven by the need for fresh fish but also by a deep appreciation for the wonders of the sea and the unyielding desire to protect it.

  1. From Ocean to Plate in under 24: Ensuring Freshness and Quality:

The ocean nomads of Cape Town prioritise the freshness and quality of Our catch. As soon as the fish are hauled onto their boats, they are carefully handled and preserved, maintaining the natural flavours and nutritional benefits. Greenfish fishermen understand that the journey from ocean to plate is crucial, and their commitment to delivering the freshest fish to the public is unwavering. 

  1. Connecting with the Community:

The bond between Greenfish fishermen and the local community is exceptional. Through various initiatives, they actively engage with consumers, sharing our knowledge, and fostering an understanding of sustainable fishing practices. By doing so, they inspire individuals to make informed choices and support responsible fishing methods, ultimately creating a positive impact on the environment and the future of our oceans.

The ocean nomads of Cape Town, the Greenfish fishermen, are more than just providers of fresh fish— we are guardians of the ocean, champions of sustainability, and catalysts for change. Our unwavering commitment to ethical fishing practices and their dedication to supplying the public with the finest seafood serve as an inspiration to us all. Next time you savour the taste of a delectable fish dish, remember the journey it took and the remarkable individuals behind it—the Greenfish fishermen, the true heroes of the ocean.


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