Captain's Log
Ryan Nienaber

It's a very busy time of year for us and we are proud to bring you an exceptional range of sustainable fish and seafood to make your festivities extra special. Our regulars have been loving for our recently added crayfish tails and lobster - why not treat your guests to a delicacy this year? Yours truly,Ryan
Ryan Nienaber

We can all feel the change in the weather, with the warmer days and Cape Town spoiling us with beautiful evenings. This is a turning point for us in our fishing season. We change up our fishing gear and prep the boat for the summer species that will frequent our shores. Our local braai hero, yellowtail, have just started showing themselves but are been particularly difficult to catch. We do expect catches to improve as the South Easter starts blowing more often, bringing the blue water closer to shore off Cape Point and pushing the bait fish onto the shallower...
Ryan Nienaber

As we battle the Cape of Storms and the cold fronts bashing our shorelines, the weather simply does not allow our small scale fishing boats to get to sea. Â This is when our locally grown farmed heroes come out to shine, fulfilling your seafood cravings until spring arrives, as they are available all year round due to their farmed nature. These species also give you the same great flavours of the ocean without putting pressure on some of the wild over-exploited stock, which is especially prevalent with the Abalone (perlemoen). A hot pot of mussels and piece of bread dipped...
Ryan Nienaber

This year has definitely been different for all of us on land. It seems that the fish are on a new schedule too. For the first time in the 20 years that I have been catching tuna, we are getting pole caught tuna in July/August.The water is a warm 19.5C and tropical blue. It's full of bird and marine life, flourishing with good healthy fat tuna - just what we want to catch. Nobody knows why these fish are here right now. It's certainly a reminder of how delicate the balance of our ocean's ecosystem is... The sustainable fishing methods...
Ryan Nienaber

As we move deeper into the winter season, our superstar, the Yellowfin tuna, becomes more scarce off Cape Point. These remarkable fish are undertaking an incredible migration around the globe... That being said, we still have some VERY fresh tuna available for you right here in Cape Town.  As luck has it, we're also stocking a great selection of fresh fish and seafood at the moment. For most of our new customers, our delivery has been their very first experience of restaurant-quality fish at home. Seeing their response to our product has been something very special. Yours truly, Ryan